What skincare products should not be refrigerated?

Questions and Answers

Q+A Skincare fridge


To prolong shelf life and for an ultra-refreshing feeling, it’s recommended that some skincare products are best kept in cooler conditions. To do so, you can opt for a dedicated mini skincare fridge or just pop your products in your kitchen fridge (they both do the same thing, so it’s completely up to you). With this, it’s important not to make the mistake of storing your entire regime this way, as doing so can alter the effectiveness or cause products to expire prematurely. Here are a few products you might want to think twice about...

Let's start with the powerhouse of skincare ingredients - Retinol. This wonder skincare ingredient can help improve the skin's texture, tone, and appearance; however, proper storage is crucial to preserve its potency. Depending on the type and formula, keeping it in the fridge can cause it to break down and become less effective. If you want to see the best results from your retinol products, keep them in a cool dark place away from sunlight.

Another type of skincare product that should not be refrigerated is facial oils. These oils are designed to provide moisture and nourishment to your skin, and cold temperatures can cause them to thicken and crystallise. It's best to store facial oils at room temperature, where they will remain at their optimal consistency and effectiveness! So remember to keep your Super Food Facial Oil in your wash bag or on your dressing table.

For the most part, it’s recommended that face, sheet, and eye masks be kept in the fridge as the cold temperatures can help with de-puffing and soothing the skin. However, clay-based products are the exception. Storing these in the fridge can cause the product to harden prematurely. So, when it comes to products like the Activated Charcoal Face Mask, it's best to keep them at room temperature.

Sun cream is another skincare product that shouldn’t be stored in the fridge long term. Cold temperatures can cause the active ingredients in sunscreen to break down, compromising its effectiveness in protecting against UV rays. However, there's no harm in keeping the bottle in the fridge for an hour or two on a hot summer day to cool your skin.

To conclude, it’s generally best to store skincare products in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and heat. Remember, keeping products in their prime condition is key to getting the most out of them. So, before storing your entire routine in the fridge, remember to bear this post in mind and be selective in your choices. And hey, if you do decide to grab a mini skincare fridge, don't forget to stock it with our Vitamin C Eye Cream and Hyaluronic Acid Face Mist for an extra refreshing treat.

If you’ve got any further questions on product storage, feel free to comment below or send us a message on Instagram.

Until next time,

Charlee @ Team Q+A

Charlee Grimson

Marketing & E-commerce Administrator | Current favourite: Ceramide Body Lotion